The diffrence between a 'teaser' film poster and any normal film poster, is that a teaser poster doesnt need to give information. Only remakes or sequels can use a teaser poster as they have an iconic image. In the examples below we have icons such as Fredy, Jason and the Punisher. In the Fredy's and Jason's case, they are icons to the public, many people know or have heard of them, seeing them on a poster is all the information the viewer needs to that their is another Nightmare on Elm Street. The Punisher is a famouse icon belonging to the marvel comics. Many comic fans will know his symbol, (the skull) and know that there is a kick but Punisher movie on its way. Are last poster is the third Toy Story movie. Not so much an icon on the poster, but the font is very iconic. The font is regonized by many people, and the information '3' tells the viewer that there is a third Toy Story.
In relation to my teaser poster, I will have to follow the rules of 'teaser', which is to give a little information, but enough for the viewer to fully understand the movie. For me to achieve this, I will have to consider my teaser trailer to be a remake or sequel. Only because in order for the poster to complement my trailer, there has to be a regonizable icon.